PUNTA’s inlet lockers brought 24/7 service to customers at Lakeuden Etappi

Punta inlet lockers enable waste reception safely and easily 24/7 at a new RE-point located in Seinäjoki

Waste management experience has been taken onto a new level at the new RE-point in South Ostrobothnia Finland. Unique and brilliant solution to self service station was found from PUNTA’s inlet lockers. With these lockers waste management at the new RE-point is possible around the clock, safely and fast. RE-point origins from the word recycle and renewal. The name can also be pronounced in a Ostrobothnian way ”Ree-point”.

”The RE-point is in its own class in Europe, a similar consept can’t be found anywhere elsewhere yet”, confirms Service Manager Anna Mäntylä. ”In addition to functionality we have invested into comfort.”

The modern self service waste management point opened after midsummer 2021, along the road of Kuortane. Here, the waste is sorted safely indoors and with Punta lockers also hazardous material can be returned during night time. Most challenging part of the 24/7 operating self service point are the risks related to hazardous material. The returning of these materials needs to be safe to customers and employees. When a customer arrives to RE-point, first they leave easily identified waste to the sorting tables. Because there isn’t enough space to all the materials and often the customer isn’t quite sure about their hazardous waste, they are safely placed to the Punta locker. Only employees can open the locker on the other side to make sure that the hazardous materials won’t get mixed up.

”Our goal to make returning easy, fast and safe has actualized excellently.”

Also customer studies have given supportive feed back. People have liked the experience and appreciate that the point is open 24/7. Lakeuden Etappi Oy is responsible for the waste management to all of its eight owner municipalities and 130 000 residents are of South Ostrobothnia. Altogether there are 11 waste management points and Etappi is looking to expand the RE-consept to other points also in the future.

Employees at RE-point have made a observation that customers sort their waste tidyer when the return point and lockers are clean and pleasant to use. One fact reflects the results best. ”In january 2022 up to 83% of our customers operata independently at the waste management point.” Mäntylä thanks the personnel of PUNTA for their professional skills and cooperation, which have been excellent from the beginning. ”PUNTA got a hold of the idea right away and together we started to develop lockers best suited for our needs”, Mäntylä says. After a year of use experience the lockers have worked great and endure use the hard use at RE-point.

”We got exactly what we ordered.”

Environmental responsibility encompasses all of our operations at Punta!

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Punta lockers enable the returning of hazardous material during night time.

”The RE-point is in its own class in Europe, a similar consept can’t be found anywhere elsewhere yet”, confirms Service Manager Anna Mäntylä.

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