Punta Click & Collect Locker eases every day life at Akaa health care center


A health care center which assemblies all social and health care services under one roof was opened to Akaa, Toijala in summer 2021. The health care center holds offices for doctors and nurses, child care, laboratory, x-ray, physiotherapy and medical supply delivery.

Akaa health care center has two PUNTA Click & Collect Lockers, from where customers can pick-up deliveries using a PIN-code sent to them by email or text message. Other delivery locker is located in a space which is accessible 24/7.

Ilkka Ratamo from PUNTA tells, that 24/7 operating Click & Collect locker offers flexible service to all customers.

Pick-up at a time most convenient to you
Nurse Sari Rahikkala says, that the Click & Collect locker eases their work and improves customer service, when the customer doesn’t need to schedule a pick-up time with the staff. The customer can pick-up the delivery when ever they have time to do so.

– We have received great feedback from the customers. Everybody knows how to use the deliver locker.
The medical supply delivery locker is easy to use solution to both the sender and the receiver: The delivery is placed into the locker. The customer receives a delivery notification with a PIN-code, which opens the locker. If the delivery isn’t being picked up in a certain amount of time, the system sends a reminder to the receiver. In case of the delivery not being picked up, the delivery can be deleted and the locker will be freed to a new delivery.

Ratamo tells, that the Smart Delivery Lockers are tailored to match customer needs. PUNTA total product offering includes installation, system updates and maintenance with ready-to-use principal.
– The Smart Delivery Locker can be placed anywhere, all you need is electric and internet connection. We take care of the transportation, installation and user education.
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Full service based on the turnkey principle

Our services include installation, maintenance and recycling, as well as leasing financing and support for architects and design offices. We offer a comprehensive service solution allowing you to choose the package that best suits your site.