Fitness Center Liikku

FITNESS CENTER LIIKKU - Customer comfort as the base of space and functions

Locking solutions helps to serve customers better

Johanna and Heikki Riihijärvi opened their first Liikku-fitness center at 2010 and 2016 Liikku started to expand to a nation wide chain. At year 2018 new gyms were opened a total of 12 and the goal to 2019 is the same. One of the things that helps them to make this possible is a promise to customers, in which Liikku offers the best price/quality ratio and want to be the most fair fitness chain in Finland.

Liikku operates cost effectively and benefits from technology and automation. The organization is light and customer service operates mainly in web. The services are booked and paid electronically and you require an access card to move around the facilities.

At the locker rooms there is a locker with electronic locking for every customer. The steel lockers delivered by PUNTA are custom colored to Liikku green and they have big white numbering.

Liikku fitness centers are open for customer from 5 am to 23 pm so the locking solution must work effortlessly. Customer enters the gym with a member access card and uses the same card to occupy a locker for him/her self.

No more lost keys or broken locks
Liikku has a Gantner locking solution compatible GAT Lock 6010. The locks are technically reliable. Depending on the use, the battery will last up to 5-7 years.

The solution is very handy. A customer can occupy only one locker at a time and in case of any malfunction the door can be opened with a master-key. The system log provides information on who has used the key and when.

– Price-quality ratio and delivery certainty is excellent. Locks are already installed at PUNTA factory, so all that is left to do at the gym is installation of the lockers to the locker rooms. We receive good feedback on comfortable dressing spaces and that the lock is integrated to the door and there is no need for the customer to have a lock of their own, Johanna Riihijärvi says.