Hauho comprehensive school’s Phone Park

Hauho comprehensive school’s Phone Park

There are approximately 220 students in the Hauho comprehensive school, which includes grades 1-9. We want to make school days mobile-free. Students are advised to leave their phones in a locked cabinet during the school day.

The Punta Puhelinparkki was chosen to store the phones. Six of them were delivered to the school. The principal of the school, Kurt Palmroth, says that the most important criteria when choosing the solution were safety, ease of use and elegance.

After mapping out the need for the sale of Cell phone shelving, Aki Vilmunen offered a solution designed for just such a use. Punta Cell phone shelving is a secure locker with a lock where phones are kept in good order and do not fall out. In the phone parks, the doors are smoky gray plexiglass and have an Abloy furniture lock with a key.

Mobile phone freedom as a part of normal everyday life
The students bring their phones to Phone Park in the morning, where they get it back in the afternoon. The lockers are locked for the day, but they can be opened if necessary, allowing quick access to the phone. The keys are in the possession of the school staff and the school host. As the same key fits all cabinets, use is flexible.

Kurt Palmroth says that the school is satisfied with the ease of use and functionality of the Punta solution. Thanks to the transparent plexiglass, the phones in storage can be seen. This is apt to motivate the use of the Phone Park when the student sees that others have also left their phones in storage for the duration of the school day.

The Phone Park is a practical solution for storing phones not only in educational institutions but also in other mobile-free spaces. Aki Vilmunen emphasizes that Phone Park is designed to meet needs so that satisfaction is guaranteed. One cabinet can hold 35 phones, and thanks to the efficient dimensions, the cabinet is convenient to be placed on the wall.

The Phone Park is a practical solution for storing phones not only in educational institutions but also in other mobile-free spaces. Aki Vilmunen emphasizes that Phone Park is designed to meet needs so that satisfaction is guaranteed. One cabinet can hold 35 phones, and thanks to the efficient dimensions, the cabinet is convenient to be placed on the wall.
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