Klub1 Gym in Jyväskylä

Changing rooms to suit the milieu

The Klub1 gym/fitness centre operating in the premises of a former rifle factory in Jyväskylä offers premium level services and facilities. The non-chain centre was established by entrepreneurs Päivi Kivimäki and Jouni Valkonen in co-operation with Johanna and Jarkko Immonen.

In addition to the personnel and equipment, Klub1 is complemented by infrastructure designed to be functional. In addition to the reception, gym, and group workout premises, the style and quality are evident in the changing rooms as well.

Classic and invitingly stylish
The old and rugged factory milieu was a challenging and inspiring job for the interior designer. The overall aim was to represent classic Scandinavian style and Klub1’s own colour universe. Grey and lilac, some orange for boosting, and white and black.

Punta’s lockers and benches were chosen for the changing rooms. Päivi Kivimäki emphasizes that Finnish origin was a very important criterion when choosing the lockers, and finding Punta made her really happy.

– We wanted a dark colour scheme and there were numerous options. We went through them with Jarmo Keppola and found the exact right solution for us, Päivi says, happily.

The combination of wood-patterned doors and black benches of VKZ clothes lockers fits the milieu perfectly. Functional and easy-to-use Abloy keys were chosen for the locks.

Päivi also stresses the importance of convenient cleaning. Cleanliness and tidiness are important in changing rooms.

– We wanted the rooms to be cosy and comfortable, and in my opinion, we succeeded with flying colours. The facilities are really nice and top-notch – more than your average locker rooms.
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Full service based on the turnkey principle

Our services include installation, maintenance and recycling, as well as leasing financing and support for architects and design offices. We offer a comprehensive service solution allowing you to choose the package that best suits your site.