A gym where nothing is ordinary, was founded to Tampere. LOADED is designed for athletes who spend a great deal of time at the gym. The equipment are chosen to match those needs. Expression of the gym at first sight is black but there are lighter tones of grey to bring a little twist. The gym has grid walls and bars, this look was also wanted to continue in the locker room furniture. Jari Bull Mentula and Matias Koistinen designed the decor from start to finish.

Olli Suominen tells, that they had a strong unanimous vision for the gym.

-We sought out a partner, who was capable of executing this. When we found PUNTA solutions, they felt right from the start. Their collection held suitable cage lockers and the benches were tailored to have a matching back piece like the lockers.

Mutual goal was to achieve the best of the best

-We started to build a gym for ourselves and wanted the best possible gear and furniture from effective sound system to black toilets. Our vision was a success and no compromises were needed.

Suominen compliments, that the service at PUNTA was excellent. All questions were answered quickly, if they didn’t have an answer already. Project went smoothly and installations were done quickly.

-When we were satisfied, PUNTA wasn’t yet. For example, the benches had silver screws, which was alright with us, but PUNTA wanted to change them to black ones to finish the look. And it did a major difference to the overall look in the locker rooms.

Mens and womens identical lockers have black cage lockers and the benches have tailored fully perforated back rests. We also delivered shoe racks and PUNTA Style benches to LOADED gym. Style benches with black leather seating were located to the gym for customers to sit down for their brakes during workout.

The lockers were installed by Asennus Suomi Oy, so the entrepreneurs didn’t need to sweat with installation work.
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Full service based on the turnkey principle

Our services include installation, maintenance and recycling, as well as leasing financing and support for architects and design offices. We offer a comprehensive service solution allowing you to choose the package that best suits your site.